The Independent Pharmacy


Our clinical team regularly produce helpful guides to provide supporting information for the conditions that we treat and the treatments that we provide.

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Guides by Condition

Acid Reflux & Heartburn

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, can make eating a miserable experience. It feels like acid burning in your chest or throat which is exactly what it is – excess stomach acid travelling the wrong way up your oesophagus to places where it shouldn’t be. An occasional attack is easily managed at home but if you suffer regularly, it can damage your throat and lead to the chronic condition, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Thankfully, there are plenty of effective over-the-counter and prescription treatments to make you feel more comfortable when you eat.

1 guide from 1 author


Living with acne can be hard. Not only can it cause discomfort and pain, it can also erode our self-confidence. We know having acne feels like a very personal experience. That’s because it is. But it's also so common that nowadays, there’s a wide range of very effective treatments. Combined with some simple dietary choices, you’ll be amazed at how quickly things can improve. Let’s get started in finding the best treatment for you.

46 guides from 5 authors

Altitude Sickness

Not everyone will climb Everest but if you’re lucky enough to go mountaineering beware of altitude sickness. It happens when you travel above 2500m and your body doesn’t have enough time to adjust to the lower air pressure and oxygen. You might feel headachy, dizzy, sick and have trouble breathing or a racing heart. Gradual ascent, staying hydrated, and avoiding alcohol are key steps. If symptoms persist, medication can provide relief. In severe cases, immediate descent and medical attention might be necessary. Let’s make sure you’re well-prepared for your high-altitude journey.

1 guide from 1 author


Anxiety is that uncomfortable feeling you get when you're worried about things that are coming up or might happen in the future. It's a completely normal response, like feeling nervous before an interview or a medical test and usually nothing to be concerned about. However, for some people, these worries can become hard to control and constant, affecting daily life and sometimes leading to panic attacks. If this sounds like you, remember you're not alone, and it's okay to seek help.

10 guides from 2 authors


Asthma is a common condition which affects your lungs making it harder for you to breath. It often starts in childhood but can appear at any age and occurs when your airways narrow and swell, leaving you short of breath, coughing and wheezing. An asthma attack can be frightening to experience or witness and you should seek treatment right away if you or a family member has difficulty breathing. While there’s no cure, there are effective treatments to control your symptoms so they don’t significantly affect your daily life. Let's find the best way to keep your asthma in check and help you breathe easier every day.

4 guides from 2 authors

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

If you notice a strange vaginal discharge with a distinct fishy odour, especially after sexual intercourse, it might be Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). It’s not an STI and is actually caused by an imbalance in your vaginal bacteria but it can make you more prone to infections. The good news is BV is easy to treat with antibiotics or pH-balancing creams and gels. If you notice symptoms, don’t be embarrassed – just get checked out and with the right treatment you’ll start feeling more comfortable soon. Let’s take the first step towards relief and restore your comfort and confidence together.

5 guides from 3 authors


Firstly, chlamydia is a really common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the UK which you can catch through unprotected sex. Secondly, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about - lots of people are treated every year - but it is important to get tested if you think you have an infection because if left untreated it can lead to fertility problems. It’s easily treated with a short course of antibiotics such as doxycycline and azithromycin. We'll figure which one is best for you and get you sorted.

3 guides from 1 author

Cold & Flu

Coming down with a cold or flu can make you feel really rubbish. The runny nose, sore head, cough, body aches and constant tiredness can leave you feeling drained and desperate to crawl into bed. While you can’t cure a cold and flu, there are plenty of effective over-the-counter remedies to make you feel a bit more comfortable while your body fights off the bug. From decongestants to painkillers that ease body aches we’re here to help. Just tell us how you’re feeling and we’ll find the right treatment to get you back on your feet.

1 guide from 1 author


There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to go to the toilet but not being able to go no matter how much you strain. But you’re not alone – lots of people of all ages suffer from constipation where they have less than three bowel movements a week and when they do, their poos are larger than normal, hard, dry or lumpy. Diet and lifestyle changes are the best way to get your bowels working normally but if that doesn’t work and you need a little extra help we can get you the right medication.

2 guides from 1 author


Hormonal contraception is a great way to prevent pregnancy, but knowing which type to opt for can be a little confusing. Whether it’s hormonal pills, patches, injections, implants or Intra-Uterine Devices (IUD) they all work in a similar way by stopping ovulation, changing the cervical mucus and making your uterus less hospitable to pregnancy. You can find hormonal contraception that contains both oestrogen and progesterone, or just progesterone alone. Let’s explore your options and ensure you’re well-informed about managing your contraceptive needs.

2 guides from 2 authors

Cystitis (UTI)

Suffering from cystitis, a common urinary tract infection (UTI), can be quite painful, often causing a stinging or burning sensation when you pee. You might feel the need to go more urgently and frequently, and your wee may appear cloudy or even bloodstained. While it can be agonising each time you visit the toilet, you can often get through mild bouts by drinking plenty of fluids, taking painkillers to ease discomfort and avoiding sex. Let’s find the right treatment to relieve your symptoms and keep you feeling comfortable and healthy.

2 guides from 2 authors

Dry Eye

Do you have a gritty feeling in your eye, like there’s something stuck in it? You might be experiencing dry eye, which can make your eyes feel irritated, scratchy, and uncomfortable. It’s natural to worry about potential damage to your sight, especially if this is new to you. Sometimes, your vision might get blurry for short periods, but blinking usually improves it. Eye drops and gels can soothe your eyes both day and night. Managing dry eye is important to prevent further irritation and discomfort. Let’s find the right solution to keep your eyes comfortable and healthy.

2 guides from 2 authors

Dry Scalp

Living with dry skin on your scalp can really impact your daily life. Not only can the itching and flaking drive you mad, but it can also be embarrassing and inconvenient. You might notice redness and an uncomfortable, tight feeling as well. Conditions like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff are all common causes of dry scalp and finding the best treatment will depend on the specific issue. But if you need something fast our team can recommend a cream, ointment or medicated shampoo to soothe your scalp and give you some much-needed relief.

1 guide from 1 author

Dry Skin

Many people struggle with dry skin - it’s a very common issue. But we also know it's really irritating. Medically known as xerosis cutis, your skin can become itchy, crack and scale over. If you have the problem for a while and it’s not treated, it can become very uncomfortable, affecting your daily life. But don’t worry, help is at hand and there’s no need to suffer in discomfort any longer. There’s a range of creams and ointments we have which give you relief, fast. Let’s get started.

1 guide from 1 author

Ear Wax

Having wax in your ears is completely normal and is generally nothing to worry about. It’s there to stop irritants and dirt getting in and helps keep your ears nice and healthy. Most of the time, earwax falls out naturally over time. Occasionally however, it begins to build up, blocking the ears and causing a range of symptoms including reduced hearing, earache, ringing or buzzing and vertigo. If you think your earwax may be causing an issue, using drops will soften it so it can be removed naturally. Let’s find the best method to keep your ears clear and comfortable.

1 guide from 1 author

Eczema & Dermatitis

If you have eczema or dermatitis, it can have a real impact on your quality of life. Not only do these chronic conditions cause itching, pain and disrupted sleep, they can also stop you from taking part in a range of activities and making the most of daily life. We understand just how tough this can be. Luckily, there are some great treatments that can help control your symptoms and dramatically improve your quality of life. From non-prescription emollients and bath additives to steroid creams and ointments, we can help you find the best treatment for your skin and support you in effectively managing your condition.

33 guides from 4 authors

Emergency Contraception

If you’ve had unprotected sex, or if your normal contraception has failed, you may well be worried about getting pregnant. But try not to feel too anxious. The emergency contraceptive pill, normally known as ‘the morning after pill’ is very effective when it’s taken within a few days and can prevent the majority of unwanted pregnancies. The pill works by delaying or stopping ovulation and the sooner you take it, the more likely it is to work. Let’s ensure you have the information you need to make the right choice for you.

2 guides from 1 author

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is incredibly common. The condition makes it difficult to get and keep an erection long enough to have sex and is experienced by millions of men across the country. We know this won’t necessarily make it any easier if it happens to you. The good news is that changing your lifestyle is often enough to improve ED. Reducing anxiety, getting more sleep and drinking less alcohol can all help to get your sex life back on track. However, as ED can also be a sign of an underlying issue, it’s important to speak to a doctor if the issue persists.

84 guides from 4 authors

Facial Hair

We understand that having excessive hair in a very visible place, like the face or neck, can make you feel a little self-conscious. Excessive hair, or hirsutism, is normally the result of raised levels of male hormones called androgens. The condition can also cause dark hair to grow on your chest, tummy, lower back, buttocks or thighs. Excessive hair growth is often linked to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but sometimes there isn’t an obvious cause for the condition. If excess hair growth is impacting your quality of life, we’re here to help. We can recommend prescription tablets and creams that can treat hirsutism and minimise the appearance of excess hair.

1 guide from 1 author

Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections cause nails to thicken, discolour and distort. This can be a little scary, especially if it’s the first time it’s happened to you. But don’t worry, fungal nail infections aren’t normally serious and shouldn’t cause you much pain or discomfort. However, they may make you feel a bit self-conscious and can spread to other nails if left untreated. Using a medicated nail lacquer should stop the infection in its tracks and help your nail to heal. But remember, treating this stubborn infection can take months or even years, and you’ll need to be patient if you’re going to see real results.

4 guides from 2 authors

General Health

We know that finding the time to look after your general health isn’t always easy. However, staying on top of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing really is essential if you want to be as strong, healthy and happy as possible. When it comes to general health, it’s important to try to understand the unique way your body works and tune into your own personal rhythms. Our extensive range of general health products, and expert advice, is there to support you with every aspect of your health journey. Let's take the first step together towards a healthier you.

8 guides from 2 authors

Genital Herpes

A flare-up of genital herpes is never nice, and if it’s your first experience of the virus, it can be a little scary. The sexually transmitted infection causes small, fluid-filled blisters to appear on and around your genitals and anus. These painful blisters cause stinging and burning sensations and can be pretty uncomfortable. Unfortunately, once you’ve caught this highly infectious virus, it’s with you for life and you’re likely to have recurrent episodes over the years. Taking regular pain relief will help you manage your symptoms, but if that doesn’t do the trick, our team can prescribe tablets to help your body keep the virus at bay.

8 guides from 3 authors

Genital Warts

A type of human papillomavirus (HPV), genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections around. Unfortunately, genital warts are very contagious and can be passed on through pretty much all types of sexual activity. If you catch them, you’ll notice small, flesh-coloured bumps appear across your genitals. These warts have a cauliflower-like appearance and can spread pretty quickly. Luckily, we’ve got a range of creams and solutions that will support your body in fighting the virus and help your skin to heal fast.

9 guides from 3 authors

Haemorrhoids & Piles

Painful and itchy, haemorrhoids (also known as piles) are very uncomfortable. You’re most likely to have haemorrhoids if you’re aged 45 to 65, are pregnant, overweight or do things that make you strain, like lifting heavy objects. You’re also more prone to piles if you have a family history of the condition. But don’t worry, haemorrhoids are pretty common, and our expert team knows exactly how to treat painful piles. We can advise you on the right cream or ointment to soothe your symptoms, and give you tips on staying hydrated and eating a high fibre diet to help prevent haemorrhoids in the future.

1 guide from 1 author

Hair Loss

Hair loss is very common, but this doesn’t make it any less upsetting if it happens to you. Both male and female pattern baldness are largely genetic. So, if one of your parents experienced hair loss, there’s a good chance you will too. There are also other types of hair loss, like alopecia, that can be caused by stress or illness. You can minimise hair loss by using a mild shampoo, avoiding dye and blow dries and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Let’s explore the best options for you.

47 guides from 4 authors

Hay Fever

Every year, hay fever makes the spring and summer a misery for millions across the UK. Congestion, itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing can make it feel like you’re permanently under the weather, with March to September the most difficult months for anyone with an allergy to pollen. Thankfully, there’s a great choice of effective hay fever treatments on the market. From nasal sprays and eye drops to antihistamine tablets, there are plenty of ways to ease irritation, relieve symptoms and reclaim your summer. Let's work together to manage your hay fever symptoms and enjoy the outdoors comfortably.

32 guides from 4 authors


Uncomfortable and inconvenient, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can have a real impact on your quality of life, making it harder to socialise, get out and about and even go to work. The most common symptoms of the condition are intermittent stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. If you have IBS, you might well find that certain things - like dairy, beans, alcohol and gluten - trigger your symptoms, though no one really knows what causes the condition. Unfortunately, there’s currently no cure for IBS, but avoiding your triggers and taking medication can help to relieve your symptoms and stop IBS getting in the way of your daily life.

4 guides from 2 authors


Lying awake, night after night, struggling to fall asleep, can take a toll on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Whether it’s caused by depression, anxiety, stress, menopause, an uncomfortable sleeping environment or anything else, insomnia needs to be taken seriously and treated properly. We understand just how disruptive and upsetting the condition can be. If you suffer from insomnia, try to avoid caffeine in the evenings, go to bed and wake up at the same time every night and make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. Drowsy antihistamines can also improve short-term insomnia and help you get some much-needed rest.

2 guides from 2 authors

Malaria Tablets

Travelling to a part of the planet with a high risk of malaria can be a little daunting. The parasitic disease is spread by mosquito bites and causes a range of unpleasant symptoms like fever, vomiting and headaches. If it’s left untreated, it can even be fatal. Luckily, there are some really reliable antimalarial tablets available that can reduce your chances of catching the disease by up to 90%. Our expert team can talk you through your options and help you find the medication that’s right for you. So, all you have to do is relax and enjoy your adventure.

4 guides from 3 authors

Menopause (HRT)

No two people experience the menopause in the same way, and your symptoms, triggers and challenges will be as unique and individual as you are. The menopause normally starts between the ages of 45 and 55, although some people can start to feel the effects of their changing hormones much earlier. Common symptoms include hot flushes, low libido, vaginal dryness, anxiety and brain fog. You might also just feel a little less like ‘you’. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry, HRT awareness and other treatment options have improved a lot in the past few years and, with our help and support - and a little trial and error - finding the right options for you should be easy.

30 guides from 4 authors


As anyone who suffers from migraines will know, a migraine is not just a headache. As well as severe pain, migraines can cause nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. There’s not one thing that causes migraines, and different people will have different triggers. These often include tiredness, stress, menstruation and certain types of food and drink. If you suffer from the excruciating pain of migraines, we're here to help you find the right treatments to manage your migraines and and stop the crippling pain in its tracks.

15 guides from 3 authors

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers aren’t contagious and they’re not normally serious - but they can be pretty painful and uncomfortable. So, if you have one, you’ll probably want to get it sorted as soon as possible. Most of the time, ulcers are caused by accidentally biting your cheek, getting a burn from scalding food or cutting the inside of your mouth. If your ulcers come back again and again, and you don’t have any injuries, they might be triggered by tiredness, stress or anxiety. Thankfully, there’s a great choice of gels, rinses and sprays that can soothe your pain and help your ulcers heal fast.

2 guides from 1 author

Nasal Congestion

Whether it’s caused by a cold, flu, hay fever or allergic reaction, a blocked or runny nose can make life uncomfortable. If you’re currently reaching for a tissue every few minutes - or struggling to breathe through a stubbornly bunged up nose - we can help. Our expert team can recommend some great nasal congestion treatments for you to choose from. Safe and effective, they’ll ease your irritation, soothe your swollen blood vessels and help you to breathe that little bit easier day and night.

2 guides from 1 author


‘Pain’ covers a vast array of feelings, from mild discomfort to agony. Often the word doesn’t do justice to the complex range of sensations you might be experiencing. Normally the result of illness or injury, pain can strike in any part of your body. Living with pain, whether temporary or long term, can be really tough and it can have a real impact on your daily life. Non-prescription painkillers are great for easing pain caused by headaches, periods, colds, flu and other common ailments. If your pain is more severe, our friendly team can talk you through the stronger, prescription-only options available.

8 guides from 3 authors

Period Delay

Just imagine, you’ve saved up all year for the perfect beach break, your bags are packed, your hotel is booked and then bam! You get your period. Although having a period on holiday, or at another inconvenient time, may not be the end of the world, it is annoying and can put a dampener on your escape. Luckily, we have a solution. Period delay tablets can prevent your period from starting for up to 17 days, giving you control over your menstruation and getting your plans back on track.

2 guides from 1 author

Period Pain

Period pain can vary from very mild to pretty severe. While some people breeze through their monthly cycle, others have to curl up in bed with a hot water bottle and painkillers and wait until the cramps fade away. Generally, the pain is most intense during the first few days of your period. Cramps are felt in the lower abdomen, back and thighs and can seem worse at night. Heat compresses, gentle stretching and relaxation can help to ease period pain, as can non-prescription painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen. We understand the challenges of managing period pain. Let us support you with effective treatments to help you feel more comfortable during your menstrual cycle.

1 guide from 1 author

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a very common issue. In fact, it’s arguably the most common sexual problem in the world. So, if you’ve experienced premature ejaculation, you’re definitely not alone. There are lots of things that can cause you to ejaculate too quickly during sex, from stress and depression to prostate or thyroid issues. Using a condom or trying a different position can help to slow you down. If that doesn’t work, there are some medications that can be effective. Let us help you explore treatment options and find the best approach to improve your sexual experience.

1 guide from 1 author


Contrary to popular belief, ringworm isn’t actually a worm at all. In fact, it’s a fungal infection that causes a red, itchy, circular rash to appear on the scalp or body. Ringworm is very contagious. You can catch it from direct skin-to-skin contact or by using infected bed sheets or towels. Thankfully, ringworm is pretty easy to treat using an antifungal cream, powder or shampoo. At The Independent Pharmacy, we offer a range of effective treatments to help you manage and overcome ringworm. Let us help you find the best solution to restore your skin health.

2 guides from 1 author


Often mistaken for acne, rosacea is a skin condition that makes the blood vessels in your face more visible, giving your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead a distinctive red appearance. Some people may also develop small, pus-filled bumps across the affected area. No one is 100% sure what causes rosacea, with alcohol, caffeine, spicy food and even exercise blamed for inflaming the condition. We know that dealing with something that’s highly visible like rosacea isn’t easy. Our team can recommend creams and gels to help reduce redness and ease inflammation. That can also offer advice on antibiotic treatment if you want to clear your skin fast.

14 guides from 3 authors


‘Scabies’ is one of those words that can make you feel itchy the moment you hear it. Caused by tiny, burrowing mites, scabies can make your skin intensely irritated. Unfortunately, the condition is highly contagious and if one person in your family or household has it, everyone will need to get treated. The good news is that treatment is quick and effective. You’ll need to apply specialist cream to your whole body to ensure no mites are left behind, after that, you should be in the clear. At The Independent Pharmacy, we're here to provide the support and treatments you need to manage scabies effectively. Let us help you restore comfort and health to your skin.

1 guide from 1 author


Snoring isn’t really a problem unless you share a bedroom with someone else - then it can become a major issue. Loud snoring can easily keep your partner up at night, in some cases, it can even disturb people sleeping in other rooms. If your snoring is keeping your household awake, don’t worry, there are some things you can try to minimise your nocturnal noise. Firstly, avoid sleeping on your back as this can make things a lot worse. Cut out alcohol, cigarettes and other relaxants and use an anti-snoring throat spray to give your loved ones a little relief from your night time chorus.

1 guide from 1 author

Sore Throat

Sore throats can really vary in severity. While most of us can cope fairly easily with a sore throat that’s come as part of a cold, a serious bacterial infection is a whole different matter. Painful to the point of being distressing, bacterial sore throats often come complete with a fever, enlarged lymph nodes, white patches on the tonsils and a headache. You’ll need an antibiotic like penicillin to clear your infection and get you back to full health. Taking over-the-counter painkillers and natural remedies can help you to feel better while you wait for the antibiotics to kick in.

1 guide from 1 author

Stop Smoking

As you probably know only too well, being a smoker increases your chances of developing a whole host of serious and potentially fatal conditions. It’s also bad for your teeth, skin and breath. Unfortunately, cigarettes are incredibly addictive, and quitting really isn’t easy. But, thanks to the huge variety of health benefits that come with successfully kicking the habit, it’s a challenge that’s definitely worth accepting. Making lifestyle changes and taking specially developed medication can help you quit smoking for good. If you’re committed to a smoke-free life, we can help, talk to a member of our team to learn more.

5 guides from 2 authors


Thrush is a fungus that thrives in warm and moist environments. Unfortunately for us, that includes human genitals. Though it’s more common in women, thrush can affect men too. It causes a thick, white discharge from either the penis or vagina as well as itching and irritation. We know that the symptoms of thrush can be a little alarming, especially if this is the first time you’ve had it. Our friendly team can talk you through the different treatment options, from anti-fungal cream to tablets and pessaries, to find the medication that’s right for you.

2 guides from 1 author

Travel Sickness

Travel sickness can make life a misery. Rocking, rolling and swaying, whether in a boat, plane, train or car, can make you feel very queasy, turning your journey into a stomach-churning ordeal. Even if you’re not going far, the repetitive motion can quickly take its toll, with nausea often starting within moments of setting off. To keep your travel sickness at bay, try sitting in the middle seat when in a car, getting lots of fresh air and staring at the horizon. If you’re still feeling sick, hyoscine patches and antihistamine tablets could help. We offer a range of treatments to help you manage and prevent travel sickness. Let us support you in finding the best solution so you can travel comfortably and confidently.

1 guide from 1 author

Urinary Retention

If you have urinary retention, you may find it’s difficult, or even impossible, to fully empty your bladder. This might cause you severe abdominal pain or you might have no symptoms at all. There are two main causes of urinary retention: a blockage that prevents the proper flow of urine or a problem with the bladder that means it can’t expel all of the urine in one go. Either way, you’ll probably want to get the issue sorted fast. The treatment you need will depend on the core issue, but don’t worry, our team can talk you through the options to find the medication that’s right for you.

4 guides from 1 author

Vaginal Dryness

A change in your hormone levels – whether because of menopause, breastfeeding or the contraceptive pill - can often result in vaginal dryness. This means that your vagina isn’t producing enough natural lubrication, leaving you feeling dry, irritated and in pain. Though it’s normally not serious, vaginal dryness can be uncomfortable and some women find the condition a little embarrassing. Luckily, the number of treatment options has increased in the past few years and there’s now a great choice of effective medications available. At The Independent Pharmacy, we understand the discomfort and sensitivity of dealing with vaginal dryness. Let us help you find the right treatment to alleviate symptoms and we can take steps towards a more comfortable you.

1 guide from 1 author

Vitamins & Minerals

Small but mighty, vitamins and minerals play an integral part in a huge variety of bodily functions. The best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need is to eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet. However, some people may also need to take extra supplements to ensure they get everything their bodies require. If you think you’re lacking in essential nutrients, we can help. Our fantastic choice of supplements will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need to feel great and stay in tip top condition.

7 guides from 1 author

Weight Loss

Losing weight is rarely easy, but it is always worth it. Being a healthy weight can dramatically reduce your chances of developing a host of serious conditions from type 2 diabetes to heart disease. What’s more, it can also make you feel happier, more energetic and more confident in yourself. If you’re trying to lose weight, the first thing you’ll need to do is change your lifestyle by eating well and getting plenty of exercise. If you need a little extra help - with weight loss pills or injections - our team can guide you through the options to find the treatment that’s right for you.

47 guides from 4 authors