The Independent Pharmacy

The Top 5 Vitamins To Combat Tiredness And Fatigue

Scott McDougall
Scott McDougallMPharmGPhC 2079324Director & Registered Manager

Feeling tired and fatigued has become a new normal for many people struggling to keep up with hectic modern lifestyles. The good news is that targeted vitamin supplementation can help with the reduction of tiredness. Key nutrients like B vitamins and iron play crucial roles in the body's production of energy. Deficiencies in these vitamins and minerals can drain a person's reserves, leaving them mentally and physically exhausted.

Here at The Independent Pharmacy, we know just how important the right vitamins can be. That’s why we’re committed to offering the best vitamin supplements to prevent tiredness and fatigue and help you live your best life.

The Connection Between Vitamins and Energy Levels

Understanding How Vitamins Impact Tiredness

Vitamins and minerals play an essential role in the complex biological processes that produce energy within the human body - deficiencies often result in a lack of energy. They act as essential catalysts that help convert nutrients from food into usable energy in the human body.

There is a difference between general tiredness and more severe, persistent fatigue. Tiredness is often relieved by rest, while fatigue may linger even after adequate rest. The right combination of vitamins can address both types of low energy levels.

Certain vitamins like B12, iron, magnesium and Vitamin D directly impact parts of the energy production cycle. Deficiencies in these vitamins can cause symptoms like fatigue, weakness and low energy. Other vitamins influence energy by supporting organ function, nerve signalling and fighting inflammation - all factors that can drain energy.

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Vitabiotics Ultra Magnesium Tablets (60)
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Identifying Signs of Deficiency

Since vitamin and mineral deficiencies tend to develop slowly over time, low energy is often one of the first noticeable symptoms. Being attuned to signals from your body can help identify shortfalls before they become serious.

Iron deficiency often presents as fatigue, muscle weakness, and lung capacity issues. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to exhaustion, mood changes, nerve problems and difficulty thinking clearly. Low levels of magnesium tend to manifest as tiredness, muscle cramps, and trouble sleeping. Vitamin D deficits may show up as persistent fatigue and bone/muscle aches.

Vitamin B12 - The Energy Booster

Role in Energy Production

Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in energy metabolism and red blood cell formation. It helps convert nutrients from food into glucose for direct cellular energy. B12 also contributes to regulating DNA production and supporting nerve cell health.

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Vitabiotics Ultra Vitamin B-Complex Tablets (60)
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When the body lacks sufficient B12 levels, it is unable to properly produce new red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body which is vital for energy production. Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include exhaustion, muscle weakness, rapid heartbeat, and confusion.

Sources and Recommended Intake

The recommended daily intake of B12 for most adults is 1.5 micrograms, though slightly higher for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Vitamin B12 is naturally present in foods like beef, eggs, shellfish, liver, and fish. Fortified items like milk, yoghurt, margarine and cereal contain sizable amounts as well.

For those following vegan or restricted diets, B12 supplementation is likely needed as natural food sources are limited. Sublingual tablets (tablets that dissolve under your tongue), nasal sprays, or injections can effectively deliver B12.

Iron - Essential for Oxygen Transport

Iron's Impact on Fatigue

Iron plays an extremely important role in transporting oxygen throughout the body. It is a key component of haemoglobin which helps red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and muscles.

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Vitabiotics Ultra Iron Tablets (30)
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Low iron levels hamper the body’s ability to maintain oxygen transportation needs. As a result, iron deficiency anaemia is a major cause of weakness and fatigue. Iron deficiency can greatly lower endurance capacity both physically and mentally.

Dietary Sources and Supplementation

The Recommended Daily Allowance for iron ranges from 8-15mg for adults depending on age and biological sex. Good dietary sources of iron include:

  • Red meats such as beef, lamb and venison
  • Seafood including clams, oysters, sardines, salmon
  • Poultry like chicken and turkey
  • Eggs
  • Beans and lentils
  • Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale
  • Fortified whole grain cereals or breads
  • Nuts and seeds like cashews, pumpkin seeds and quinoa
  • Dried fruits including apricots, figs and raisins
  • Tofu and tempeh

Vitamin C helps with iron absorption when eating iron-rich foods – so consider having a glass of orange juice with any iron-rich meal.

Iron supplements may be beneficial for those prone to deficiency or struggling with fatigue. Care should be taken to avoid taking too much iron as this can be toxic. Consulting with a doctor is a good idea before adding any new supplements to your diet.

Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin

Influence on Muscle Function and Mood

Known as the “sunshine vitamin”, Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in absorbing calcium for proper muscle and nerve functioning. It supports bone and heart health as well.

By triggering protein synthesis, Vitamin D allows muscles to contract properly, generating the power needed for both high intensity and endurance activities. Without enough Vitamin D, muscle weakness can surface and limit physical capacities.

Research also suggests Vitamin D can influence mood and motivation. Correcting deficiencies may give you an emotional lift that contributes to feeling less fatigued.

Obtaining Sufficient Vitamin D

Sunlight allows the body to naturally generate Vitamin D when skin is directly exposed. To balance getting needed Vitamin D while preventing sun damage, experts recommend 10-15 minutes of midday sun exposure without sunscreen.

Some good food sources include fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines and fish liver oils. Smaller amounts occur in egg yolks, beef liver, fortified dairy products, oysters and certain mushrooms.

The Recommended Daily Allowance ranges between 400 IU for infants to 800 IU for seniors. However, the right dosage can depend on your age, lifestyle and the time of year.

Magnesium - The Relaxation Mineral

Magnesium's Role in Energy Production

Magnesium plays an essential role in converting food into energy by assisting in hundreds of enzyme processes. It contributes to muscle and nerve transmission, protein production, blood glucose control and more.

Low magnesium levels can cause low energy. Supplementing with magnesium may have an energising effect by helping the body more efficiently use glucose and oxygen to make ATP molecules which fuel cell activity. Additionally, magnesium helps regulate sleep cycles, stress, hormones and neurotransmitters tied to energy levels.

Natural Sources and Supplement Advice

It’s recommended that adult women consume 270mg of magnesium daily, while adult men need 300mg per day. High levels occur in leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, avocados, yoghurt and fatty fish.

Supporting dietary magnesium intake with supplements is often beneficial.

Magnesium supplements in the form of magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, and magnesium threonate are easily absorbed by the body and usually don't cause many side effects. Most healthy adults can safely supplement with 200-400mg elemental magnesium daily. Consulting a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner helps determine optimal supplemental doses.

Vitamin B Complex - The Essential Energy Vitamins

How B Vitamins Keep Us Going

The B vitamin family plays a key role in converting food into energy. This group includes 8 important vitamins that work together to power cells and keep the body energised.

Vitamin B1 helps change nutrients from food into body fuel. B3, B5, B6, B9 and others act like helpers to energise cells and tissues. B12 and folic acid (B9) enable red blood cells to carry oxygen where needed.

Low levels of any B vitamin can slow these processes. Taking a vitamin B complex gives the body ample stores of each type to maximise energy production.

Getting Enough B Vitamins

Good food sources of B vitamins include whole grains, beans, lentils, bananas, green vegetables, liver, meat, eggs and fish.

However, many lifestyle factors can drain B vitamins faster than we replace them. Alcohol, gut issues, unhealthy diets and too much cooking can degrade B vitamin levels in foods. Supplementing with a complete B complex bridges the gap. It provides insurance to maintain abundant energy reserves.

Incorporating These Vitamins into Your Lifestyle

Creating a Balanced Diet

The best approach for meeting daily vitamin and mineral needs taps into a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. Emphasise whole, minimally processed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and healthy fats.

Try incorporating energy-boosting foods such as salmon, leafy greens, avocados, bananas, yoghurt, eggs and sweet potatoes more regularly. Build balanced meals and cook fasts at home to maximise nutrient intake.

When to Consider Supplements

We're often faced with many challenges for maintaining optimal vitamin levels through diet alone. Intense farming practices, lengthy transit and storage times plus substantial processing deplete natural foods. High quality supplements can help fill nutritional gaps that diet alone cannot correct.

Responsible supplementation should always complement healthy lifestyle strategies like an improved diet, stress relief and exercise - not replace them. Talk with your doctor to help you decide which supplements could be most beneficial.


What is the best vitamin to take for tiredness?

Vitamin B12 is the best vitamin supplement for treating tiredness and fatigue. This essential nutrient helps your body produce energy and keeps you feeling less fatigued both physically and mentally.

What vitamins am I lacking if I'm tired?

If struggling with constant tiredness or fatigue you may have a deficiency in iron, B12, Vitamin D, magnesium or B complex vitamins.

What can you take for extreme tiredness?

For alleviating extreme, persistent fatigue high dose supplements can provide a significant energy boost. However, it is important to know which vitamin deficiency could be causing fatigue, so it is a good idea to consult with your doctor.

What vitamin gives you the most energy?

While all the vitamins discussed generate and sustain energy in different ways, Vitamin B12 is the most potent instant energy booster.

Conclusion: What Can The Independent Pharmacy Do For You?

Embracing a few key vitamins can help combat the tiredness and fatigue faced by many in today’s nonstop world. Strategic supplementation works optimally as part of a holistic plan also emphasising nutritious whole foods, healthy lifestyle habits and responsibly managed stress levels.

Managing fatigue also requires an individualised approach meeting your unique needs. This is where the knowledgeable pharmacists at The Independent Pharmacy can provide personalised guidance and support.

If you are feeling perpetually exhausted no matter how early you sleep or are struggling through each day fuelled by coffee alone, consider reaching out to The Independent Pharmacy to see how we can help.

Further Resources:


NHS - overall look at vitamins and minerals

Web MD

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