The Independent Pharmacy

Hay Fever Treatment Statistics UK: How Many People Have Hay Fever?

Scott McDougall
Scott McDougallMPharmGPhC 2079324Director & Registered Manager

How many people have hay fever?

According to the latest data exploring the rise in allergies, one in four people in the UK - roughly 16 million of us - are hay fever sufferers. Can you imagine having to deal with the misery of constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny noses on that massive scale?

Now, hay fever might seem like just a minor inconvenience to some. But for those of us who have lived through pollen season after pollen season, we know this common condition can have a huge impact on daily life. We’re talking about struggling to concentrate at work, missing out on fun outdoor activities, and generally feeling pretty miserable. Understanding what hay fever is can help you minimise the impact.

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The scary part? Experts say the number of people experiencing hay fever symptoms has exploded in recent years, with almost half the UK population now reporting issues. This alarming increase is a call to action for all of us, highlighting a growing health concern that needs immediate attention.

So, let’s dive into more hay fever treatment statistics in the UK, shall we?

Key Hay Fever Statistics:

  • Up to 49% of the UK population now reports experiencing hay fever symptoms, according to recent data.
  • A staggering 68% of UK hay fever sufferers say their symptoms negatively impact their ability to drive safely.
  • Hay fever sufferers are 4 times more likely to also struggle with other allergic conditions like asthma, eczema and food allergies.
  • By 2025, it's estimated that 50% of Europe's population could suffer from some type of allergy sensitivity or aversion due to climate change.

How Many People Have Hay Fever?

A whopping 16 million people across the UK struggle with this condition. That’s roughly one in four of your coworkers, neighbours, and even family members dealing with the sniffles and sneezes on a regular basis.

But here’s where it gets even crazier - data suggests the prevalence of hay fever has skyrocketed recently, with statistics from Allergy UK showing up to 49% of the population now experiencing common symptoms. To put that into perspective, that’s almost half the country feeling the effects!

Further illustrating this trend, NHS England has reported a substantial increase in the number of people seeking advice for hay fever. In one week alone, website visits related to hay fever reached over 122,000, coinciding with peak pollen seasons. This surge in information-seeking behaviour reflects a broader trend observed in previous years, where page visits spike particularly during the warmer months when pollen levels are highest.

And if you need any more proof of just how widespread this issue is, just look at the massive spike in online searches for hay fever treatments every June.

No matter if we have a look at keywords like “hayfever”, “hayfever treatment”, “hayfever tablets” or specific hayfever meds, the search always peaks in June of every year. However, the search volumes in June 2023 are higher than ever, as shown in the Google Trends graphs below.

Hay fever treatment and hay fever tablets purchase trends

Search trends for hayfever, hayfever treatment and hayfever tablets 2019-2023 (Google Trends)

Looking at search trends for some of the popular hay fever treatments like loratadine, cetirizine and fexofenadine over the last 5 years, fexofenadine took over the other 2 treatments in search trends.

Loratadine, cetirizine and fexofenadine trend data

Search trends for loratadine, cetirizine and fexofenadine 2019-2023 (Google Trends)

Comparing Clarityn and Benadryl searches over the same period, Benadryl took over Clarityn in search popularity. However, you can still see the clear pattern with every hay fever season.

Clarityn and benadryl trend data

Search trends for Benadryl and Clarityn 2019-2023 (Google Trends)

It’s like clockwork - as soon as pollen levels ramp up, millions of people turn to the internet, desperately seeking remedies for their uncontrollable sneezing and itchy eyes.

Overview of Hay Fever in the UK

Current Trends and Statistics

The stats don’t lie - hay fever is becoming increasingly common across the UK. Let’s look at some of the jaw-dropping numbers:

  • Around 16 million people, equating to 1 in 4 Brits, currently suffer from hay fever.
  • Experts have noted a substantial rise in cases, with up to a whopping 49% of people now reporting hay fever symptoms.
  • Warmer temperatures and climate change are believed to be key culprits, leading to longer pollen seasons and higher pollen counts.

It’s a pretty grim picture, wouldn’t you agree? This uptick means more and more of us are having to deal with hay fever each year.

Demographic Insights

While hay fever can affect anyone, some groups do seem to bear the brunt more than others based on age and location:

  • The 45-54 age bracket is the most impacted, with almost half of this demographic experiencing hay fever.
  • Geographic differences are stark - rural inland areas tend to have higher pollen levels compared to coastal or urban zones.
  • In general, those living in the south of the UK get hit harder and earlier with hay fever due to the region’s warmer climate.

So, if you’re an adult planning to visit a hot inland area, you may want to be extra prepared come allergy season. No one is really safe from sneezing and wheezing, but learning tips for surviving hay fever can help. So, make sure you are prepared and don't let hay fever ruin your holiday!

Hay Fever Treatments and Effectiveness

Traditional Treatments

For many of us hay fever sufferers, learning how to treat hay fever with options like traditional antihistamine medication such as loratadine, cetirizine, and fexofenadine is essential. According to the prescription data from OpenPrescribing, we see a massive spike in queries for these common types of medications every June when the levels of pollen peak.

Total item trends for hay fever products

Prescription trends for antihistamines 2019-2024 (OpenPrescribing)

Data also shows that areas like North East London and Kent prescribed the most antihistamines during the peak season in June 2023. These over-the-counter meds can provide some relief by blocking the histamine response that causes dreadful sneezing and itchy nose and eyes.

Prescription trends for antihistamines in June 2023

Prescription trends for antihistamines in June 2023 (OpenPrescribing)

However, for many with severe symptoms, merely taking pills isn’t enough, particularly during the peak of pollen season when relief can feel out of reach. That’s where steroid nasal sprays like Beconase come into play as a more heavy-duty treatment option.

Data indicates areas like Birmingham and North East London had the highest rates of prescribing Beconase in 2023. These nasal corticosteroids really pack a punch when it comes to reducing inflammation in those poor, swollen nasal passages.

Prescription trends for the corticosteroid nasal spray Beconase

Prescription trends for the corticosteroid nasal spray Beconase (OpenPrescribing)

Emerging Treatments and Research

While medications can help manage symptoms, they’re really just treating the surface issue rather than getting to the root cause of hay fever. But some pretty exciting research gives us hope that long-lasting solutions may be on the horizon!

A study from Imperial College London on 106 hay fever sufferers tested two forms of immunotherapy: injections and under-the-tongue pills containing grass pollen extracts. The results? Both methods showed significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life...but only after a minimum of 3 long years of treatment.

No quick fix here! But many allergy sufferers reported it was well worth the multi-year commitment to finally find lasting relief.

Another new hay fever treatment option is a daily tablet called Grazax. Similar to allergy shots, it works by gradually exposing your immune system to grass pollen, helping to build up tolerance over time. The big perk? No needles are required for this pill that simply dissolves under the tongue.

Impact of Hay Fever on Daily Life

Economic and Social Implications

Hay fever is more than just an annoyance - it’s a legitimate health concern that can have some pretty major social and economic impacts. Especially when you look at just how many people are affected during those dreadful peak pollen seasons.

The numbers don’t lie - approximately 25% of UK residents suffer from hay fever, making it one of the most commonly reported conditions nationwide. But it’s not just physical symptoms we’re talking about here.

Data shows hay fever’s effects can really put a dent in your daily functioning and productivity. In fact, a survey exploring hay fever as a cause of car accidents revealed that a staggering 68% of hay fever sufferers in the UK reported their symptoms negatively impacted their ability to drive safely. Incredibly, almost 1 in 5 admitted to having an accident or near-miss due to hay fever!

And that’s not even covering the workplace implications. With constant sneezing, watery eyes and the inability to concentrate, it’s no wonder hay fever has been linked to presenteeism issues and missed workdays.

Managing Hay Fever with Other Allergies

For many hay fever patients, the challenges don’t stop there. Data indicates that hay fever sufferers are four times more likely to also be dealing with other allergy-related conditions like asthma, eczema or food allergies.

We can’t overstate how crucial it is to get that hay fever controlled if you’re one of those people struggling with multiple allergic issues. Unmanaged hay fever symptoms can directly worsen other conditions like asthma, increasing the risk of potentially life-threatening asthma attacks, according to the NHS.

That’s why working closely with an allergy specialist is absolutely essential for severe hay fever sufferers, especially those managing allergies. These experts can run comprehensive allergy testing and develop integrated treatment plans to properly manage the entire haywire cluster of allergic conditions as an interconnected web.

Future Outlook and Adaptations

Predictions and Climate Impact

Experts predict ongoing climate change will likely lead to longer, more intense pollen seasons and even higher amounts of pollen in the years ahead.

It’s a troubling projection that could mean hay fever prevalence continuing its alarming upward trend. Some scientific models from the European Association of Allergy and Immunology even estimate that by 2025, a whopping 50% of the European population may be suffering from some type of allergy sensitivity or aversion.

The UK certainly isn’t exempt from this bleak outlook either. With our nation already having one of the highest hay fever rates globally, the impact of climate change could be especially pernicious. Longer summers and milder winters – it’s the perfect storm for pollen production to run rampant.

Advances in Treatment and Awareness

We know - that all sounds pretty doom and gloom. But have no fear. There are some rays of hope shining through the pollen clouds! For one, we’re seeing really promising advances in hay fever treatments and awareness initiatives crop up.

On the treatment front, research into immunotherapy methods like dissolvable sublingual hay fever tablets (a pill that dissolves under your tongue without chewing or swallowing) and improving patient compliance with multi-year regimens offer new pathways to lasting remission rather than just symptom relief.

We’re also witnessing a much-needed rise in public education efforts to put hay fever front and centre as a legitimate health priority. The UK’s annual Allergy Awareness Week campaigns have helped drive the conversation around managing allergic diseases amidst climate change.

Hay fever even made its way to Parliament in 2023 with startling data revealing that 20 million Brits - one-third of our population - are living with some form of allergy. With numbers like that, it’s impossible to ignore the growing prevalence and socioeconomic toll of allergic conditions like hay fever.

Take the Next Step With The Independent Pharmacy

You don’t have to go it alone in your battle against the sniffles, watery eyes, and incessant nose-blowing. The Independent Pharmacy is here to be your ally and provide expert guidance every step of the way.

Taking that first step to get your hay fever under control is as easy as visiting our website and taking a quick online assessment. Based on the specific symptoms you’re experiencing, our team can recommend personalised, effective treatment options tailored just for you.

No more wasting time and money trying to find the right medications through trial and error. The Independent Pharmacy does all the hard work, using the latest research and clinical best practices to put together a regimen designed to provide maximum relief.

With The Independent Pharmacy, any prescribed treatments show up right at your doorstep with fast delivery. Absolute lifesaver during those miserable high pollen periods!

And for those looking to understand more about this condition, our comprehensive guides on hay fever provide detailed information.

So what are you waiting for? The path to hay fever freedom is just a click away. Contact us for expert advice today, share your symptoms, and discover a customised solution to start breathing easy again. Your stuffy nose will thank you!


Can you build up immunity to hay fever?

Yes, it is possible to build up tolerance and immunity to hay fever triggers like pollen over time through consistent immunotherapy treatments like allergy shots or sublingual tablets. However, this requires sticking to the treatment plan for at least 3 years.

When is the peak of hay fever in the UK?

Tree pollen, affecting around 25% of people, appears first from late March to mid-May based on data from the Met Office. Grass pollen, which affects the majority, peaks from mid-May to July and has a secondary peak, with weed pollen season extending from June to September. Additionally, the hay fever season starts later and is shorter in the north of the UK, where pollen counts are generally lower.

Are you born with hay fever or do you develop it?

While not present at birth, hay fever can develop at any age due to genetic predispositions, family history of allergies, environmental exposures, and even factors like infections or stress that may trigger an overactive immune response.

Does hay fever get better with age?

Hay fever symptoms may improve slightly for some as they get older, but for many others, the medical condition worsens with age before potentially improving. The severity pattern is unique to each individual.

Why do so many Brits have hay fever?

Factors like the UK’s temperate climate, urbanisation, presence of invasive plant species, and modern lifestyles may contribute to the nation’s high hay fever rates, but the exact reasons are still being researched.

Do some people just not get hay fever?

Yes, some individuals seem to tolerate hay fever triggers better due to genetics, hereditary factors, varying antibody levels, inflammatory responses, or even structural differences in their nasal/respiratory passages.


UK Parliament (2023). Allergy Awareness Week -

Allergy and Immunology West Midlands (2022). New Tablet Treatment for Hay Fever Approved -

NHS England (2023). Weekly visits to NHS website’s hay fever advice reach 122,000 as pollen levels rise -

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