The Independent Pharmacy

7 Common Skin Conditions & Remedies To Soothe

Donald Grant
Dr Donald GrantMB ChB DRCOG MRCGP Dip.orth.medGMC 3058367GP & Clinical Advisor

Even if you take great care of your skin in an effort to stay healthy all the time, you’re going to suffer from skin issues on occasion. After all, skin is very delicate, and there are simply too many things that can go wrong with it.

But you don’t need to just accept the discomfort when you do develop a skin condition, simply waiting for it to pass naturally. There are simple, practical steps you can take to remedy them and clear them up more quickly.

Here are 7 of the most common skin conditions you can experience, and the remedies you can use to soothe them.

1 - Eczema (and Psoriasis)

Atopic eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is probably the most common skin problem you can have. It causes patches of itchy, red, dry skin, and can become a recurring issue if not properly addressed. Psoriasis is a more serious condition than eczema, generally being a chronic issue that causes intermittent flare-ups, but it can be treated using similar means so it's worth reading our guide on how to get rid of eczema.

For mild cases, you should apply a moisturiser such as Dermol, Diprobase, Doublebase or Cetraben; it will keep the skin from cracking, relieve the discomfort, and help you to heal.

In more serious cases, though, you will need something to lessen the inflammation. Corticosteroids such as Betnovate or Eumovate will accomplish this but will require a prescription. Betnovate scalp application can also be applied in cases relating to scalp psoriasis. Click through to find out more about eczema on the scalp.

If there is also an infection present, a corticosteroid that also contains an antibiotic, such as Fucibet, may be more appropriate.

Read more about eczema & dermatitis here.

View all eczema & dermatitis treatments here.

Betnovate Cream & Ointment
Betnovate Cream & Ointment
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2 - Warts (& Verrucas)

Not actually just for witches, warts can appear anywhere on the skin in the form of little lumps. When they manifest on the soles of feet, they’re known as verrucas, and the pressure exerted by that position can make them significantly more painful. Generally harmless, they will go away by themselves eventually, but you can take action to treat them if they’re bothering you.

Try applying some gel (such as Bazuka Gel) to protect and isolate the affected area of skin, or use a special treatment (such as Bazuka Sub-Zero Freeze Treatment) to freeze the wart or verruca, then just give it plenty of time to fully clear up on its own.

Note: if you develop a wart or verruca, do not attempt to cut it off. Doing so would only cause more damage to the skin and result in greater problems.

Read more about warts & veruccas

3 - Cold Sores

Cold sores are tiny blisters that appear in the mouth area, either on the surrounding skin or on the lips. Resulting from the herpes simplex virus, an outbreak of cold sores will generally cause a tingling or burning sensation around the area, followed by the development of fluid-filled sores.

They will usually disappear within 7-10 days, but you can use antiviral creams to make them more comfortable and speed up the healing process. The earlier you apply the treatment, the more effective it will be. Try something like generic Aciclovir cream.

Read more about cold sores

4 - Athlete's Foot

Given its common name of athlete’s foot, because it typically develops between sweaty toes in tight shoes, tinea pedis is a fungal foot infection that usually manifests as a scaly rash with corresponding stinging, itchiness, and burning sensations.

You can treat athlete’s foot with anti-fungal treatments, including powders such as Daktarin Powder and moisturising creams such as Lamisil Gel. They will target the fungus directly, getting to the root of the problem.

Read more about athlete's foot

5 - Acne

The bane of many adolescents (and an increasing issue for adults), acne is America’s most common skin disorder. It generally appears when hormonal changes cause the blockage of oil glands and hair follicles.

Acne can encompass pimples, cysts, blackheads and nodules, and usually develops on the face, but can also appear on areas such as the back and chest. Left untreated, a bad case of acne can result in scarring and darkening that will never fade, so taking action is essential.

Bad cases of acne can be treated using antibiotic medicines, such as Tetralysal Capsules or Oxytetracycline tablets. Milder cases can be treated with topical creams such as Skinoren or antibiotic gels such as Duac Gel.

Read more about acne

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6 - Ringworm

Ringworm does not really involve any worms, actually taking its name from its appearance in the form of a wormlike red or silver ringed rash.

Rather, it is a fungal infection that can appear almost anywhere on the body but typically develops on the arms or legs. Like chickenpox, it can be developed by adults but is far more common in children.

Ringworm can be effectively treated using an anti-fungal cream, such as Daktarin or Daktacort, and should get better within a couple of weeks if properly addressed.

Read more about ringworm

7 - Scabies

Caused by tiny mites burrowing into the skin, scabies is a contagious skin condition that appears as a rash of little red spots and a powerful itch that worsens at night.

Scabies isn’t generally a very serious danger, but it does require specific treatment to kill the mites. You’ll need to use a targeted scabies cream or lotion such as Lyclear Permethrin Cream; one application should do it.

Read more about scabies

These 7 common skin conditions can be extremely irritating, but, as we’ve seen, there are always viable treatment options to make them more bearable or help them clear up entirely. Don’t suffer needlessly if you have a problem with your skin; get a consultation today.

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